1.Untar the base packet (e.g. to /usr/local/).
2.The python interface requires python >= 1.5, so install it first if you want to use it.
3.Copy or link LightflowPM.so to /usr/lib/phython1.5/site-packages (or wherever this directory is): ln -s /usr/local/LightFlow/LightflowPM.so /usr/lib/python1.5/site-packages
4. The same for the C++-library: ln -s /usr/local/LightFlow/Lightflow/libLightflow.so /usr/lib
5.Install the content of Lightflow_Include.tar.bz; the includes should be in /usr/include/Lightflow.
6. Extend the startup configuration script of your shell (e.g. bashrc) by setting LIGHTFLOWPATH to Lightflows base directory: export LIGHTFLOWPATH=/usr/local/LightFlow
7.Have a look at the doc's under PM/doc and CS/doc, python-examples are under PM/Examples.
8.Now the examples above should work (python-scripts have to be made executable before run, C++-examples (e.g. tree.tar.gz) have to be compiled (use make).
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