<< 3/3


「実践CGの誘い」や、RenderMan Fastの解説サイト、RenderDotCサイトのマニュアルページに、placecam.cがある。pythonで書き換えるのもできるし、簡単にコンパイルができます。今日もありがとうございます。

* PlaceCamera(): establish a viewpoint, viewing direction and orientation
* for a scene. This routine must be called before RiWorldBegin().
* position: a point giving the camera position
* aim: a point giving the location at which the camera is aimed
* roll: an optional rotation of the camera about its direction axis
* coneangle: an optional spotlight shader cone angle


#define PI 3.1415926535897932

void usage(void)
printf("usage: placecam pos_x pos_y pos_z aim_x aim_y aim_z\n");
printf(" [coneangle] [roll_angle]\n");
printf(" Calculate RenderMan transforms needed for camera transform\n");
printf(" from light position to aim point with the given roll angle.\n");

typedef double RtPoint[3];

void RiRotate(double angle, double x, double y, double z)
if (fabs(angle) > 0.001) {
printf("Rotate %0.2f %0.2f %0.2f %0.2f\n", angle, x, y, z);

void RiTranslate(double dx, double dy, double dz)
printf("Translate %0.2f %0.2f %0.2f\n", dx, dy, dz);

* AimZ(): rotate the world so the direction vector points in
* positive z by rotating about the y axis, then x. The cosine
* of each rotation is given by components of the normalized
* direction vector. Before the y rotation the direction vector
* might be in negative z, but not afterward.
void AimZ(RtPoint direction)
double xzlen, yzlen, yrot, xrot;

if (direction[0]==0 && direction[1]==0 && direction[2]==0)

* The initial rotation about the y axis is given by the projection of
* the direction vector onto the x,z plane: the x and z components
* of the direction.
xzlen = sqrt(direction[0]*direction[0]+direction[2]*direction[2]);
if (xzlen == 0)
yrot = (direction[1] < 0) ? 180 : 0;
yrot = 180*acos(direction[2]/xzlen)/PI;

* The second rotation, about the x axis, is given by the projection on
* the y,z plane of the y-rotated direction vector: the original y
* component, and the rotated x,z vector from above.
yzlen = sqrt(direction[1]*direction[1]+xzlen*xzlen);
xrot = 180*acos(xzlen/yzlen)/PI; /* yzlen should never be 0 */

if (direction[1] > 0)
RiRotate(xrot, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
RiRotate(-xrot, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0);

/* The last rotation declared gets performed first */
if (direction[0] > 0)
RiRotate(-yrot, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
RiRotate(yrot, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0);

void PlaceCamera(RtPoint position, RtPoint direction, float roll)
RiRotate(-roll, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
RiTranslate(-position[0], -position[1], -position[2]);

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
RtPoint pos, aim, dir;
double roll;
double coneangle, fov;

if (argc < 7) usage();

pos[0] = atof(argv[1]);
pos[1] = atof(argv[2]);
pos[2] = atof(argv[3]);
aim[0] = atof(argv[4]);
aim[1] = atof(argv[5]);
aim[2] = atof(argv[6]);

if (argc > 7) coneangle = atof(argv[7]);
else coneangle = 0.0;

if (argc > 8) roll = atof(argv[8]);
else roll = 0.0;

printf("position: %0.2f, %0.2f, %0.2f\n", pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]);
printf("aim: %0.2f, %0.2f, %0.2f\n", aim[0], aim[1], aim[2]);
printf("coneangle: %0.4f\n", coneangle);
printf("roll: %0.2f\n\n", roll);

if (coneangle != 0.0) {
fov = coneangle * 360.0 / PI;
printf("Projection \"perspective\" \"fov\" [%0.2f]\n", fov);

dir[0] = aim[0] - pos[0];
dir[1] = aim[1] - pos[1];
dir[2] = aim[2] - pos[2];

PlaceCamera(pos, dir, roll);
return 0;
  • -
  • -

NVIDIA Gelato ばね状トーラス


from math import *

Output ("sphere_bane_torus.tif", "tiff", "rgb", "camera", "float gain", 1, "float gamma",
1, "string filter", "gaussian", "float[2] filterwidth", (2, 2))
Attribute ("float shadingquality",1.2)
Attribute ("string projection", "perspective")
Attribute ("float fov", 20)
Attribute ("int[2] resolution", (640, 480))
#placecam 0 16 -12 0 0 0
Rotate (-53.13, 1.00, 0.00, 0.00)
Translate (0.00, -16.00, 12.00)

Attribute ("string geometryset", "+shadows")
Attribute ("string geometryset", "+reflection")

World ()
Light ( "light0", "ambientlight", "float intensity", 0.3 )
Light ("light1", "pointlight", "float intensity", 300, "point from", (0, 10, -10),"string shadowname", "shadows")
Light ("light2", "pointlight", "float intensity", 300, "point from", (5, 0, -10),"string shadowname", "shadows")

PushTransform ()
Attribute ("color C", (0.2, 0.4, 0.75))
Sphere (100, -100, 100, 360)
PopTransform ()

MyCounter = -15*pi
while (MyCounter <= 15*pi):
PushTransform ()
Attribute ("color C", (1, 1, 1))
Shader ( "surface", "metal","string envname","reflection" )
Translate ( (2+0.5*cos(1.11*MyCounter))*cos(0.1*MyCounter),
Sphere (0.13, -0.13, 0.13, 360)
PopTransform ()
MyCounter = MyCounter + 0.5

Translate (0, -5, 0)
Rotate (90.00, 1.00, 0.00, 0.00)
Scale (10,10,10)
ShaderGroupBegin ()
Attribute ("color C", (0, 0.8, 0))
Shader ("surface", "checker", "checklayer","float stilesize",0.01,"float ttilesize",0.01,"color color2", ( 0, 0, 0.9 ))
Shader ("surface", "plastic", "plasticlayer")
ConnectShaders ("checklayer", "Cout", "plasticlayer", "C")
ConnectShaders ("checklayer", "fout", "plasticlayer", "Ks")
ShaderGroupEnd ()
  • -
  • -


  • -
  • -

NVIDIA Gelatoでレンダリング



from math import *

Output ("nishimura_pov.tif", "tiff", "rgb", "camera", "float gain", 1, "float gamma",
1, "string filter", "gaussian", "float[2] filterwidth", (2, 2))
Attribute ("float shadingquality",1.2)
Attribute ("string projection", "perspective")
Attribute ("float fov", 80)
Attribute ("int[2] resolution", (640, 480))
#placecam 0 6 -9 0 0 0
Rotate (-33.69, 1.00, 0.00, 0.00)
Translate (0.00, -6.00, 9.00)

Attribute ("string geometryset", "+shadows")
Attribute ("string geometryset", "+reflection")

World ()
Light ( "light0", "ambientlight", "float intensity", 0.2 )
Light ("light1", "pointlight", "float intensity", 1400, "point from", (-20, 20, -20),"string shadowname", "shadows")

PushTransform ()
Attribute ("color C", (0.2, 0.4, 0.75))
Sphere (100, -100, 100, 360)
PopTransform ()

PushTransform ()
Attribute ("color C", (1, 1, 1))
Shader ("surface", "metal", "string envname", "reflection",
"float Kd", 0.05, "float roughness", 0.1, "float Kr", 0.75,
"float Ka", 0.5,
# "float samples", 4, "float blur", 0.05,
"float twosided", 1
Sphere (2, -2, 2, 360)
PopTransform ()

T = -360
while (T <= 360):
PushTransform ()
Attribute ("color C", (0.001*T, 1-0.001*T, 0.8))
Shader ("surface", "plastic")
Rotate (T,0,1,0)
Translate (3.5,0.01*T,0)
Scale (1,0.5,3.5)
Input ("BoxGeom.rib")
PopTransform ()
T = T + 45

Translate (0, -5, 0)
Rotate (90.00, 1.00, 0.00, 0.00)
Scale (10,10,10)
ShaderGroupBegin ()
Attribute ("color C", (1, 1, 1))
Shader ("surface", "checker", "checklayer","float stilesize",0.01,"float ttilesize",0.01,"color color2", ( 0.6, 0.6, 1.0 ))
Shader ("surface", "plastic", "plasticlayer")
ConnectShaders ("checklayer", "Cout", "plasticlayer", "C")
ConnectShaders ("checklayer", "fout", "plasticlayer", "Ks")
ShaderGroupEnd ()
  • -
  • -


以下、POV-Rayチュートリアルを参考にNVIDIA Gelatoでつくりました。
これだけで大丈夫 「情報」におけるグラフィック

例題1 基本の3要素

Output ("box_kore01.tif", "tiff", "rgb", "camera", "float gain", 1, "float gamma",
1, "string filter", "gaussian", "float[2] filterwidth", (2, 2))
Attribute ("string projection", "perspective")
Attribute ("float fov", 10)
Attribute ("int[2] resolution", (320, 240))
#placecam 0 0 -10 0 0 0
#Rotate (-19.47, 1.00, 0.00, 0.00)
#Rotate (45.00, 0.00, 1.00, 0.00)
Translate (0.00, 0.00, 10.00)
World ()
Light ("light1", "pointlight", "float intensity", 1000, "point from", (-10, 3, -20))

PushTransform ()
Attribute ("color C", (1, 0, 0))
Shader ("surface", "plastic")
Input ("BoxGeom.rib")
PopTransform ()

  • -
  • -


例題2 図形の変換(1) 回転
rotate <-30,20,0>
Output ("box_kore02.tif", "tiff", "rgb", "camera", "float gain", 1, "float gamma",
1, "string filter", "gaussian", "float[2] filterwidth", (2, 2))
Attribute ("string projection", "perspective")
Attribute ("float fov", 10)
Attribute ("int[2] resolution", (320, 240))
#placecam 0 0 -10 0 0 0
#Rotate (-19.47, 1.00, 0.00, 0.00)
#Rotate (45.00, 0.00, 1.00, 0.00)
Translate (0.00, 0.00, 10.00)
World ()
Light ("light1", "pointlight", "float intensity", 800, "point from", (-10, 3, -20))
Light ("light2", "pointlight", "float intensity", 350, "point from", (10, 10, -10))

PushTransform ()
Attribute ("color C", (1, 0, 0))
Shader ("surface", "plastic")
Rotate (20,0,1,0)
Rotate (-30,1,0,0)
Input ("BoxGeom.rib")
PopTransform ()

  • -
  • -


「これだけで大丈夫 「情報」におけるグラフィック」を参考にNVIDIA Gelatoでつくりました。

例題3 背景と地面

Output ("box_kore03.tif", "tiff", "rgb", "camera", "float gain", 1, "float gamma",
1, "string filter", "gaussian", "float[2] filterwidth", (2, 2))
Attribute ("string projection", "perspective")
Attribute ("float fov", 20)
Attribute ("int[2] resolution", (320, 240))
#placecam 0 0 -10 0 0 0

Translate (0.00, 0.00, 10.00)

Attribute ("string geometryset", "+shadows")

World ()
Light ("light1", "pointlight", "float intensity", 800, "point from", (-10, 3, -20),"string shadowname", "shadows")
Light ("light2", "pointlight", "float intensity", 300, "point from", (10, 10, -10))

PushTransform ()
Attribute ("color C", (0.2, 0.4, 0.75))
Sphere (100, -100, 100, 360)
PopTransform ()

PushTransform ()
Attribute ("color C", (1, 0, 0))
Shader ("surface", "plastic")
Rotate (20,0,1,0)
Rotate (-30,1,0,0)
Input ("BoxGeom.rib")
PopTransform ()

PushTransform ()
Translate (0.00, -1.0, 0.00)
Rotate (90.00, 1.00, 0.00, 0.00)
ShaderGroupBegin ()
Attribute ("color C", (1, 1, 1))
Shader ("surface", "checker", "checklayer","float stilesize",0.05,"float ttilesize",0.05,"color color2", ( 0.0, 1, 0.0 ))
Shader ("surface", "plastic", "plasticlayer")
ConnectShaders ("checklayer", "Cout", "plasticlayer", "C")
ConnectShaders ("checklayer", "fout", "plasticlayer", "Ks")
ShaderGroupEnd ()
PopTransform ()

  • -
  • -

NVIDIA Gelatoでdisplacement

Gelato(R) 2.2 Release 1 winnt (Apr 17 2008 11:09:24)
(c) Copyright 2003-2008 NVIDIA Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
Elapsed: 0.0004s Done: 0% |* |#rib.generat
or.so v1.0.0.24: reading './PlaneGeom.rib'.
Elapsed: 2.8160s Done: 0% |* |WARNING: Shader "dented" displaced 0.100454 units in "common" space,
compared to displacement radius 0.1
(object name "")
WARNING: Shader "dented" displaced 0.127336 units in "common" space,
compared to displacement radius 0.1
(object name "")
Elapsed: 6.0283s Done: 100% |*******************************|
Total render time was 7.2702s (7.27 s)

Output ("displace01.tif", "tiff", "rgb", "camera", "float gain", 1, "float gamma",
1, "string filter", "gaussian", "float[2] filterwidth", (2, 2))
Attribute ("string projection", "perspective")
Attribute ("float fov", 45)
Attribute ("int[2] resolution", (640, 480))
#placecam 0 0 -10 0 0 0

Translate (0.00, 0.00, 8.00)

Attribute ("string geometryset", "+shadows")
Attribute ("string geometryset", "+reflection")

World ()
Light ("light1", "pointlight", "float intensity", 1000, "point from", (-10, 3, -15),"string shadowname", "shadows")
Light ("light2", "pointlight", "float intensity", 300, "point from", (10, 10, -10))

PushTransform ()
Attribute ("color C", (0.2, 0.4, 0.75))
Sphere (100, -100, 100, 360)
PopTransform ()

PushTransform ()
Translate (0.00, -1.0, 0.00)
Rotate (90.00, 1.00, 0.00, 0.00)
ShaderGroupBegin ()
Attribute ("color C", (1, 1, 1))
Shader ("surface", "checker", "checklayer","float stilesize",0.02,"float ttilesize",0.02,"color color2", ( 0.0, 1, 0.0 ))
Shader ("surface", "plastic", "plasticlayer")
ConnectShaders ("checklayer", "Cout", "plasticlayer", "C")
ConnectShaders ("checklayer", "fout", "plasticlayer", "Ks")
ShaderGroupEnd ()
PopTransform ()

PushTransform ()
Attribute ("color C", (0.9, 0.9, 0.7))
Shader ( "surface", "metal","string envname","reflection" )
Shader ( "displacement", "dented", "float Km", 0.1 )
Attribute ("float displace:maxradius", 0.1)

PushAttributes ()
Translate ( 0, -2, 0 )
Rotate ( -90, 1, 0, 0 )
Input ("teapot.pyg")
PopAttributes ()
PopTransform ()

  • -
  • -



Output ("test.tif", "tiff", "rgb", "camera", "float gain", 1, "float gamma",
1, "string filter", "gaussian", "float[2] filterwidth", (2, 2))
Attribute ("string projection", "perspective")
Attribute ("float fov", 45)
Attribute ("int[2] resolution", (640, 480))


Rotate (-10.14, 1, 0, 0)
Rotate (26.57, 0, 1, 0)
Translate (-5, -2, 10)

World ()
Attribute ("color C", (0.8, 1, 0.8))

Attribute ("color C", (1, 0, 0))
Shader ("surface", "plastic")

Attribute ("color C", (1, 1, 1))
Shader ("surface", "clay")

  • -
  • -


ということで、MayaのデフォルトのNurbsサーフェイスをrib exportしてみた。まず、注意しなければならないのは、そのままではつかえないこと。
NuPatch 11 4 [-2 -2 -1
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10] 0 8 4 4 [0 0 0 0 2.23607 2.23607 2.23607 2.23607] 0 2.23607 "Pw" [0.783612 -1 -0.783612 1 1.10819 -1 6.51994e-017 1
0.783612 -1 0.783612 1 3.21127e-016 -1 1.10819 1 -0.783612 -1 0.783612 1
-1.10819 -1 2.72688e-016 1 -0.783612 -1 -0.783612 1 -5.95213e-016 -1 -1.10819 1
0.783612 -1 -0.783612 1 1.10819 -1 6.51994e-017 1 0.783612 -1 0.783612 1
0.522408 -0.333333 -0.522408 1 0.738796 -0.333333 6.3877e-017 1 0.522408 -0.333333 0.522408 1
2.14085e-016 -0.333333 0.738796 1 -0.522408 -0.333333 0.522408 1 -0.738796 -0.333333 2.02203e-016 1
-0.522408 -0.333333 -0.522408 1 -3.96809e-016 -0.333333 -0.738796 1 0.522408 -0.333333 -0.522408 1
0.738796 -0.333333 6.3877e-017 1 0.522408 -0.333333 0.522408 1 0.261204 0.333333 -0.261204 1
0.369398 0.333333 6.25547e-017 1 0.261204 0.333333 0.261204 1 1.07042e-016 0.333333 0.369398 1
-0.261204 0.333333 0.261204 1 -0.369398 0.333333 1.31718e-016 1 -0.261204 0.333333 -0.261204 1
-1.98404e-016 0.333333 -0.369398 1 0.261204 0.333333 -0.261204 1 0.369398 0.333333 6.25547e-017 1
0.261204 0.333333 0.261204 1 0 1 6.12323e-017 1 0 1 6.12323e-017 1
0 1 6.12323e-017 1 0 1 6.12323e-017 1 0 1 6.12323e-017 1
0 1 6.12323e-017 1 0 1 6.12323e-017 1 0 1 6.12323e-017 1
0 1 6.12323e-017 1 0 1 6.12323e-017 1 0 1 6.12323e-017 1]

NuPatch 11 4 [-2 -2 -1
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10] 0 8 4 4 [0 0 0 0 2.23607 2.23607 2.23607 2.23607] 0 2.23607 "Pw" [0.783612 -1 -0.783612 1 1.10819 -1 6.51994e-017 1
0.783612 -1 0.783612 1 3.21127e-016 -1 1.10819 1 -0.783612 -1 0.783612 1
-1.10819 -1 2.72688e-016 1 -0.783612 -1 -0.783612 1 -5.95213e-016 -1 -1.10819 1
0.783612 -1 -0.783612 1 1.10819 -1 6.51994e-017 1 0.783612 -1 0.783612 1
0.522408 -0.333333 -0.522408 1 0.738796 -0.333333 6.3877e-017 1 0.522408 -0.333333 0.522408 1
2.14085e-016 -0.333333 0.738796 1 -0.522408 -0.333333 0.522408 1 -0.738796 -0.333333 2.02203e-016 1
-0.522408 -0.333333 -0.522408 1 -3.96809e-016 -0.333333 -0.738796 1 0.522408 -0.333333 -0.522408 1
0.738796 -0.333333 6.3877e-017 1 0.522408 -0.333333 0.522408 1 0.261204 0.333333 -0.261204 1
0.369398 0.333333 6.25547e-017 1 0.261204 0.333333 0.261204 1 1.07042e-016 0.333333 0.369398 1
-0.261204 0.333333 0.261204 1 -0.369398 0.333333 1.31718e-016 1 -0.261204 0.333333 -0.261204 1
-1.98404e-016 0.333333 -0.369398 1 0.261204 0.333333 -0.261204 1 0.369398 0.333333 6.25547e-017 1
0.261204 0.333333 0.261204 1 0 1 6.12323e-017 1 0 1 6.12323e-017 1
0 1 6.12323e-017 1 0 1 6.12323e-017 1 0 1 6.12323e-017 1
0 1 6.12323e-017 1 0 1 6.12323e-017 1 0 1 6.12323e-017 1
0 1 6.12323e-017 1 0 1 6.12323e-017 1 0 1 6.12323e-017 1]

NuPatch 11 4 [-2 -2 -1
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10] 0 8 4 4 [0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1] 0 1 "Pw" [0 -1 0 1 0 -1 0 1
0 -1 0 1 0 -1 0 1 0 -1 0 1
0 -1 0 1 0 -1 0 1 0 -1 0 1
0 -1 0 1 0 -1 0 1 0 -1 0 1
0.261204 -1 -0.261204 1 0.369398 -1 -9.12038e-018 1 0.261204 -1 0.261204 1
1.58307e-016 -1 0.369398 1 -0.261204 -1 0.261204 1 -0.369398 -1 1.62571e-016 1
-0.261204 -1 -0.261204 1 -2.49669e-016 -1 -0.369398 1 0.261204 -1 -0.261204 1
0.369398 -1 -9.12038e-018 1 0.261204 -1 0.261204 1 0.522408 -1 -0.522408 1
0.738796 -1 -1.82408e-017 1 0.522408 -1 0.522408 1 3.16613e-016 -1 0.738796 1
-0.522408 -1 0.522408 1 -0.738796 -1 3.25142e-016 1 -0.522408 -1 -0.522408 1
-4.99337e-016 -1 -0.738796 1 0.522408 -1 -0.522408 1 0.738796 -1 -1.82408e-017 1
0.522408 -1 0.522408 1 0.783612 -1 -0.783612 1 1.10819 -1 -2.73611e-017 1
0.783612 -1 0.783612 1 4.7492e-016 -1 1.10819 1 -0.783612 -1 0.783612 1
-1.10819 -1 4.87713e-016 1 -0.783612 -1 -0.783612 1 -7.49006e-016 -1 -1.10819 1
0.783612 -1 -0.783612 1 1.10819 -1 -2.73611e-017 1 0.783612 -1 0.783612 1]

NuPatch 11 4 [-2 -2 -1
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10] 0 8 4 4 [0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1] 0 1 "Pw" [0 -1 0 1 0 -1 0 1
0 -1 0 1 0 -1 0 1 0 -1 0 1
0 -1 0 1 0 -1 0 1 0 -1 0 1
0 -1 0 1 0 -1 0 1 0 -1 0 1
0.261204 -1 -0.261204 1 0.369398 -1 -9.12038e-018 1 0.261204 -1 0.261204 1
1.58307e-016 -1 0.369398 1 -0.261204 -1 0.261204 1 -0.369398 -1 1.62571e-016 1
-0.261204 -1 -0.261204 1 -2.49669e-016 -1 -0.369398 1 0.261204 -1 -0.261204 1
0.369398 -1 -9.12038e-018 1 0.261204 -1 0.261204 1 0.522408 -1 -0.522408 1
0.738796 -1 -1.82408e-017 1 0.522408 -1 0.522408 1 3.16613e-016 -1 0.738796 1
-0.522408 -1 0.522408 1 -0.738796 -1 3.25142e-016 1 -0.522408 -1 -0.522408 1
-4.99337e-016 -1 -0.738796 1 0.522408 -1 -0.522408 1 0.738796 -1 -1.82408e-017 1
0.522408 -1 0.522408 1 0.783612 -1 -0.783612 1 1.10819 -1 -2.73611e-017 1
0.783612 -1 0.783612 1 4.7492e-016 -1 1.10819 1 -0.783612 -1 0.783612 1
-1.10819 -1 4.87713e-016 1 -0.783612 -1 -0.783612 1 -7.49006e-016 -1 -1.10819 1

Output ("primitive.tif", "tiff", "rgb", "camera", "float gain", 1, "float gamma",
1, "string filter", "gaussian", "float[2] filterwidth", (2, 2))
Attribute ("string projection", "perspective")
Attribute ("float fov", 20)
Attribute ("int[2] resolution", (640, 480))
#placecam 10 5 -10 0 0 0
Rotate (-19.47, 1.00, 0.00, 0.00)
Rotate (45.00, 0.00, 1.00, 0.00)
Translate (-10.00, -5.00, 10.00)

Attribute ("string geometryset", "+shadows")

World ()
Light ("light1", "pointlight", "float intensity", 350, "point from", (-10, 10, -10),"string shadowname", "shadows")
Light ("light2", "pointlight", "float intensity", 350, "point from", (10, 10, -10),"string shadowname", "shadows")

Attribute ("color C", (0.8, 1, 0.8))

PushTransform ()
Attribute ("color C", (0.2, 0.9, 0.2))
Shader ("surface", "clay")
Translate ( 2, 1.1, 0)
Input ("cone.rib")
PopTransform ()

PushTransform ()
Attribute ("color C", (0.9, 0.9, 0.9))
Shader ("surface", "veinedmarble")
Translate ( -2, 1.1, 0)
Input ("cyl.rib")
PopTransform ()

PushTransform ()
Attribute ("color C", (0.9, 0.5, 0.5))
Shader ("surface", "plastic")
Translate ( 1, 0.5, -3)
Input ("torus.rib")
PopTransform ()

Scale (2,2,2)
#Rotate (90.00, 0.00, 1.00, 0.00)
Rotate (90.00, 1.00, 0.00, 0.00)
Attribute ("color C", (1, 1, 1))
Shader ("surface", "oakplank","float Km", 1)

  • -
  • -

<< 3/3